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  3. Weekly Update 27 29.3.24

Weekly Update 27 29.3.24

29 March 2024 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community,

I am not quite sure where February went, and March has flown by, but I think that is a good sign that we have been having fun in school! The children have been brilliant and reflecting on the term, we have been so busy! We have enjoyed trips, Book Week, Science Week, sporting and maths tournaments, Bikeability, Comic Relief, Mental Health Week… it has been non-stop! Thank you so much to the whole staff team and volunteers at Fairfields for making this happen, and to all our parents and carers for all your support too. We are very lucky to have such a super school community- thank you!

Super Citizens

Well done to the following children who have been nominated for our end of term super citizen awards- we are very proud of you! All the children have been working hard to show the school core values so well done everyone.

Jemima- London

Nala- Paris

Willow- Rome

Eliza- Warsaw

Adithan- Madrid

Gedanielle- Budapest

Ryan- Kathmandu

Aarsh- Ankara

Michael- Canberra

Layla-Rae- New Delhi

Noah- Nairobi

Afya- Cairo

Max- Ottawa

Max- Lima

Comic Relief- Red Nose Day

The school council have voted on their favourite joke from all the jokes shared across the school on Red Nose Day. The one which made them laugh most was from Muhammad in London class and was:

‘What did the policeman say to his tummy?’

‘You are under a-vest!’

Well done Muhammad- you made us all laugh, so thank you!

Understanding and Responding to Anxiety talk

On Monday evening, the Primary Behaviour Service came to school for a session on anxiety in children. Thank you to the parents who attended and we hope you found this useful. As promised, the notes from the session with the video links are attached. If you could not make it but are interested in finding out more, please do feel free to access the powerpoint notes attached, or come and see Tracey, our Home/School Link worker, who can help you with more information.

Eid Celebration 

Do join us on Tuesday, the first day back after Easter, for our Eid celebration! It will be held straight after school, on the top playground- weather permitting!

Playground Renovations

We are excited to let you know that we have some playground renovations happening over Easter. Hopefully the weather will be on our side and these will be finished by the time the children return after the holidays. However, if the weather delays the work, we may have some of the playground sectioned off for a few days when the children return. Please bear with us if this happens- it will be worth it!

Parent Maths Visit to Classrooms

Just a reminder that parents are invited to join their child within an afternoon 'Maths Meeting' session next half-term. It will be a chance for you to see our new maths scheme in action and help you to support your child with their maths learning at home. The session will be led by your child's class teacher and there are five key maths questions to experience with your child during the session. We are running two sessions (one for each key stage) on the following days:

Monday 29th April - KS1 Parent Maths Visit (FS-Year 2)

Wednesday 1st May - KS2 Parent Maths Visit (Year 3- Year 6) 

The sessions will start at 2:10pm and parents can sign in to the school office, before being taken to your child's classroom. They will be finished by 3:00pm. We hope you can join us and we look forward to working with you on this.

Rugby Team

Well done to the rugby team for their excellent playing and sportsmanship last Thursday at Great Binfields. The team played excellently together! The cancelled match on Tuesday 26th March has been rescheduled to Thursday 25th April at Fairfields Primary School. A new letter will be sent home in the first week back after Easter. This match will be for year 5 and 6 players only. We will also try and organise a friendly year 3 and 4 match in the summer term.

Times tables

This week was the last of our first round of Top of the Rocks battles with local schools. It was the turn of year 5. Congratulations to Vihaan, Jack, Hemashree, Navilan, Isabel and Elisha for winning the most valuable player certificates. Also, Rithy won a special TTRockstars postcard for completing the most practice over the last week. We were very pleased to see that Nairobi won their battle and it was a close event in Cairo's group. The final placings were St John's first, Fairfields second and St Bede's third. A new event will run in the summer term. Thank you to all parents who have encouraged 'little and often' practice.

Miss Warwick.

PTA Updates

Creativity Evening: A Grown Ups Night Out - Friday 26th April (from 7pm)

We are pleased to announce a fun night out to be hosted in Proteus (next door to school) at the end of April. This will be an evening filled with fun and creativity and hosted by one of our very own parents and where you can let your imagination run wild. There will be snacks, drinks, cocktails, mocktails and more - an opportunity to let your hair down with other parents and hopefully teachers too. For more details and to buy tickets on-line please visit our website: https://fairfieldspta.uk/product/creativity-evening-grown-ups-night-out/

Children's School Disco - Thursday 23rd May

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help with this event so far - we almost have the minimum number of helpers required for the event so far but need a few more volunteers. Full details including a volunteer sign-up sheet can be found here on the PTA. website: https://fairfieldspta.uk/

Updates from year groups


Foundation Stage have had an eggs-ellent week learning about this month's celebrations of Easter and Ramadan and the upcoming celebration of Eid! They have enjoyed getting creative by making cards to celebrate the occasions. They had lots of fun on their very own Easter Egg Hunt, where they had to hunt for numbers hidden on eggs in the school playground. In RE, they focussed on the story, Elmer, and discussed ways in which they celebrate different occasions. Well done on another super half term, Foundation Stage and we wish you all a lovely Spring break. 

Year 1

Well done Year 1 on your fantastic assembly. You should be really proud of yourselves and your hard work this term. Please note our library day has changed and will be on Tuesdays next term. Enjoy the holidays.

Year 2

Well done children on a fantastic last week in school, we hope you enjoyed our trip to London and we are especially impressed with how well behaved everyone was! Thank you again to the parent helpers, without you this trip could not have gone ahead, and we are grateful you were so flexible with our quick change of plan. Have a fantastic Easter holiday and we look forward to hearing about what you get up to when we return to school!

Year 3

We have had a great week in year 3 and have been proud of the children for all their hard work this term. Have a great Easter and we look forward to seeing you in a few weeks, and enjoying our swimming lessons!

Year 4

Year 4 have had a great end of term. They have enjoyed their March TTR soundcheck - many now getting above 20, and their science, learning about the water cycle. Please keep practising times tables over the Easter holiday. When we come back from half term, our PE day will be outside on a Monday for cricket. 

Year 5

This week we have all enjoyed designing, making, tasting and evaluating our alien bread.  Please have a look at the school website for pictures of our wonderful DT Tripods, Kush inspired art and alien bread.  After the Easter break, we will need flattened cereal boxes for our hook day. We would be grateful if you could send your child in with a flattened cereal box on the first day back to school, (Tuesday 16th April). We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a restful spring break.

Year 6

Well done year 6 on a super spring term. You have been working so hard!

We look forward to seeing the children who can come for our Easter school sessions next Tuesday and Wednesday (2nd and 3rd April). Please come through the main school office at 10.00am where Mrs Hopkins will sign you in. Have a great Easter break!

Sunflower Café

The café is open to come and meet other parents and to chat to our Home/School Link Worker, Tracey, every Monday from 8.40am, and on a Friday from 2.50pm until 3.10pm.

Other Information (attachments may not be able to be viewed on some devices through the Jotter app, but can be seen on Arbor)

Attached are details of adult learning courses available through Hampshire County Council.

Please find attached the new lunch menu which will start after Easter.

Please see attached details of Sarah and Steve’s after school bootcamp sessions which you are able to book your child onto if interested.


Friday 29th March: Bank holiday and start of the Easter holidays

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April: Year 6 Easter school (10.00am)

Monday 15th April: INSET day

Tuesday 16th April: First day back for children after Easter holidays

Monday 29th April - KS1 Parent Maths Visit 2.10-3.00pm (FS-Year2)

Wednesday 1st May - KS2 Parent Maths Visit 2.10-3.00pm (Year 3- Year 6) 

For other key days, please look at the calendar on the website or the School Jotter.

PE Days are as follows (please notes some changes for the summer term):

FS: Monday

Year 1: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 2: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 3: Thursday (indoor PE)

Year 4: Monday (outdoor PE)

Year 5: Wednesday (indoor PE)

Year 6: Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor PE)

Start and finish times are as follows:

Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2: 8.40am- 3.10pm

Years 3- 6: 8.45am- 3.15pm

Have a lovely, restful Easter break and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 16th April..

Mrs Vicky Hopkins