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  3. Weekly Update 29 26.4.24

Weekly Update 29 26.4.24

26 April 2024 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community,

I just wanted to start by thanking you for your kind words of support. I am delighted to have been appointed as Headteacher of Fairfields moving forward, and I can’t wait to work with the whole school community to keep driving the school forwards. Fairfields is the most wonderful place to work- with supportive and hardworking pupils, staff, parents, governors, and the wider community. I feel very privileged to have been given the role, and I look forward to working with you all- thank you!

Our New Playground

We were delighted to open the new playground this week. Thank you for your patience as we have had this sectioned off, and thank you again for your support in raising money to make the playground possible.

The children have been shown in class groups how to use the equipment safely, and are now enjoying having time on it in their allocated slots which will rotate each week.

Please can we remind you that the equipment will not be in use at all before or after school. We appreciate that this may be disappointing, but this is for insurance reasons, and I am sure that you will understand that the potential of over 400 children of all ages, and potentially toddlers, playing on it together is not safe. Even if the area is quiet and you are supervising your child, please do not use the equipment as it is confusing to other children when they have been told not to.

Please support our school staff by ensuring that your child is not on any play equipment before or after school. This is difficult for our staff to monitor as they are trying to talk to parents and dismiss children safely at this time.

E-Safety and ‘Clever Never Goes’

This week we have been learning about 'Clever Never Goes' to develop children's safety skills and help them become more independent. The children have enjoyed learning about the character 'Clever' and looking at different scenarios to discuss what they should do in this situation. We have also been doing our E-safety lessons, which we do throughout the year, and looking at how to be safe online. Please see the website links on last weeks parent safeguarding leaflet for more information on how you can help keep children safe online at home. 

Maths Workshops

Just a reminder that parents are invited to join their child within an afternoon 'Maths Meeting' session next week. It will be a chance for you to see our new maths scheme in action and help you to support your child with their maths learning at home. The session will be led by your child's class teacher and there are five key maths questions to experience with your child during the session. We are running two sessions (one for each key stage) on the following days:

Monday 29th April - KS1 Parent Maths Visit (FS-Year 2)

Wednesday 1st May - KS2 Parent Maths Visit (Year 3- Year 6) 

The sessions will start at 2:10pm and parents can sign in to the school office, before being taken to your child's classroom. They will be finished by 3:00pm. We hope you can join us and we look forward to working with you on this.


I wanted to share our congratulations to Miss Facey, our year 3 teacher, who got married in the easter break. Miss Facey had a wonderful day, and we have seen some beautiful photos of her! She wants to continue to be ‘Miss Facey’ at school at the moment as she does not want to confuse the children by changing her name yet. I am sure you will join me in sending our congratulations to her and her new husband, and wish them both much happiness for the future.

Community Celebrations

Year 6 School Councillor’s Maxine, Moyad and I were very honoured to attend the official opening of the Food Bank and Children’s Play Group at Carnival Hall on Tuesday morning.

M.P Maria Miller, The Mayor and Lady Mayor cut the ribbon on a joyous celebration of community cohesion. In Moyad’s words, “How lucky were we to enjoy the opening with samosas, brownies and cucumber sandwiches!”

Tracey (Home/School Link worker)

Times tables

We start again with our Top of the Rocks challenges next week and first up will be year 4 on Tuesday. Children are expected to know all of their times tables by the end of year 4 and these competitions provide 15 minutes of live competition with other schools. There are only two schools involved this term, us and the school that won last time- so there's a challenge for us!

Football club

Just a reminder that there is no football training next Wednesday as we have matches on our school field on Thursday, with kick off at 3.45 and the later finishing time of 4.45. Football training returns to Wednesday the week after.

Maths groups- well done year 6

I am currently working with a number of children in year 6 with revision for S.A.T.s and I have issued the challenge of who can build up the most points in Mathletics in the three weeks before the tests take place. The children are competing for small prizes. Currently, the three children with the most points are Chandvi 1st, Elif 2nd and Ameer 3rd. Any year six children not in my groups are very welcome to join in; just get on Mathletics and earn points!

Miss Warwick

Updates from year groups


Fee fi fo fum! Foundation Stage have enjoyed their new story focus 'Jack and the Beanstalk' this week. They have been learning the story, role playing the story and writing about the story too. They have enjoyed continuing to prepare the Forest School allotment for planting and they had a brilliant first PE lesson, where they practised their ball skills such as co-ordination, balance and control whilst in motion. Well done, Foundation Stage and have a brilliant weekend! 

Year 1

Year 1 were very excited to visit the field on Wednesday for their first cricket lesson. Please can all children come to school every Wednesday in their PE kit to ensure they can get the most from these lessons.

Tuesday is now Year 1 library day, so children should bring back their library book every Tuesday so that they can choose a new book. Thursday 2nd May  (2.30 -3 pm) is a chance for Warsaw parents/carers to visit our fantastic library and read with their child. We look forward to seeing you if you are able to come.

Year 2

Year 2 have been working hard this week in the classroom, and have enjoyed playing on the new playground at break and lunch too! Well done year 2 and we look forward to more fun next week.

Year 3

Year 3 have had a great week this week learning about different types of skeletons and Andy Warhol. They have continued to amaze us in their swimming lessons and are progressing nicely. We look forward to another week of learning. 

Year 4

Year 4 have enjoyed their week learning about perimeter and area. They've enjoyed estimating areas and then working out with multi-link. We've also enjoyed our first cricket session on the field. 

The residential is not to far away now. If you are following the suggested payment schedule, there's a payment due soon. Just a reminder that the full payment is due before the trip date.  Have a great weekend. 

Year 5

All the preparation for our school trip on 16th May to Hampton Court is under way.  We have 44 consent forms returned, however we only 20 payments.  Whilst payment is voluntary for this trip, without enough payments the trip will not be economically viable, and we may have to look at cancelling. If you are struggling to make the payment, please talk to the office as it may be possible to arrange a bursary. 

This week we have become immersed in our Revolution Topic as we have learnt all about key inventors and engineers for example Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We were also very excited to have started Cricket on Monday afternoons, the children loved taking part in this activity.  Please can you make sure that your children have the appropriate P.E. on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Year 6

Year 6 have enjoyed visiting Costello School and Ottawa class were participating brilliantly in the high-jump activity. All pupils have been revising well and thank you for your parental support with this. A letter has been sent out for you to book and pay on Arbor for a breakfast during SATs week (£1.80 per day, Mon-Thurs) starting on 13th May. There will also be a zoom meeting at 5pm on Tuesday for any parents willing to support the end of year celebrations. Thank you to those who have already been in touch. 

Sunflower Café

The café is open to come and meet other parents and to chat to our Home/School Link Worker, Tracey, every Monday from 8.40am, and on a Friday from 2.50pm until 3.10pm.

Other Information (attachments may not be able to be viewed on some devices through the Jotter app, but can be seen on Arbor)

Please find attached an important letter from Public Health Hampshire about measles and whooping cough, for your attention.


Thursday 2nd May: Warsaw class parents and carers school library visit (2.30pm- 3.00pm)

Monday 29th April: KS1 Parent Maths Visit 2.10-3.00pm (FS-Year2)

Wednesday 1st May: KS2 Parent Maths Visit 2.10-3.00pm (Year 3- Year 6) 

Monday 13th May: Year 6 SATs week

Friday 24th May: Last day of the summer 1 half term

Monday 3rd June: School closed for INSET day (staff training)

For other key days, please look at the calendar on the website or the School Jotter.

PE Days are as follows (please notes some changes for the summer term):

FS: Monday

Year 1: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 2: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 3: Thursday (indoor PE)

Year 4: Monday (outdoor PE)

Year 5: Monday (outdoor) Wednesday (indoor PE)

Year 6: Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Start and finish times are as follows:

Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2: 8.40am- 3.10pm

Years 3- 6: 8.45am- 3.15pm


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  

Mrs Vicky Hopkins