Here are examples of our curriculum maps. The maps show the content for each individual subject within each topic.
These are sent home to parents each term alongside a year group letter with more information.
Current curriculum maps can be accessed through a link on each year group page.
Autumn Term Creative Curriculum
Spring Term Creative Curriculum
Music at Fairfields Primary School
Here are examples of our curriculum maps. The maps show the content for each individual subject within each topic.
These are sent home to parents each term alongside a year group letter with more information.
Current curriculum maps can be accessed through a link on each year group page.
Autumn Term Creative Curriculum
Spring Term Creative Curriculum
Music at Fairfields Primary School
Here are examples of our curriculum maps. The maps show the content for each individual subject within each topic.
These are sent home to parents each term alongside a year group letter with more information.
Current curriculum maps can be accessed through a link on each year group page.
Autumn Term Creative Curriculum
Spring Term Creative Curriculum
Music at Fairfields Primary School