Data Protection

The Data Protection Act (1998) is a law designed to protect the privacy of individuals. In particular with regards to the processing of their personal information. The Act covers manual (paper) records as well as those held on computer.

Under the Data Protection Act, schools are their own data controllers. They are responsible for registering with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). They also need to comply with the eight principles of the Act around using, storing and protecting data.

Please click on the documents below to see the Policy at our school.

Mrs Thompson is the Data Protection Officer for our school.  If you have any questions or complaints related to data protection, please contact her using the school email:


Data Breach Policy Fairfields Primary School.pdf .pdf
Data breach process and flowchard Fairfields Primary School.pdf .pdf
Draft Privacy Notice for Pupils parents.pdf .pdf
Draft Privacy Notice for School Staff March 2022.pdf .pdf
Fairfields Primary School APD.pdf .pdf
Item 4.6_ Draft School Data Protection Policy March 2022.pdf .pdf
schoolpublicationschemefreedomofinformationFinal Oct 21.pdf .pdf