New Parent Information

If you are new to our school, Welcome!


This page is aimed at helping to answer any questions you might have.

Below you will find the answers to many of the questions commonly asked about Fairfields Primary School. If your query isn't addressed here please contact us instead.

Total Hours

 The school week is organised around 32.5 hours for both Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. 


What is the uniform for Fairfields Primary School?

The school uniform colours are green and grey or black. It is most sensible if young children are sent to school in clothes they feel most comfortable in and can get in and out of quickly and easily, especially in times of greatest need!

Children should be encouraged to wear "sensible" school shoes during the day in order to protect growing feet.

They may change into trainers or plimsolls at playtime to avoid ruining expensive school shoes. Children play out in all weathers. If it is wet underfoot, please send wellington boots or sensible footwear for puddles. Remember that although it may be dry on your way to school it could be raining by lunchtime.

Please send your child with a coat in inclement weather.


For boys and girls any of the following may be worn:

  • Knee length skirt or pinafore dress – grey or black
  • Trousers - grey or black
  • Polo shirt - white
  • Shirt or blouse - white
  • Sweatshirt - green
  • Sweatshirt cardigan - green
  • Summer dress - green and white check
  • Shoes - suitable and sensible please (no high heels)
  • Socks/tights – white, grey or black
  • Baseball cap - green (as protection in hot weather) 

To order school uniform please visit the Basingstoke Skoolkit store or visit



What is the physical activities uniform for Fairfields Primary School?

In September 2021, a new PE uniform was introduced.  Children are able to wear their uniform to school to avoid public changing. 


To order the PE uniform, please go to the Liss Sport Website for Fairfields:

Please note that the printing of the uniform takes time and so needs to be ordered in advance.  

It is of great importance and children are expected to wear clothing for these activities in school on the days that they have PE.  Your child's teacher will tell you each term the days PE is timetabled.  

Children should wear the following for PE lessons:

  • Black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. 
  • School Uniform PE T-shirt with house logo on the back (please check with the school if you are not sure what House your child is in).  A white t-shirt can be worn until September 2022.  
  • Trainers or plimsolls (for outdoor activities)

All clothing must be clearly marked with your child's name. Staff will not be responsible for unnamed lost property.



School Meals

How much do your school meals cost and who provides them?

School meals are cooked on the premises and the cost is £3.00 per meal. Hampshire County Council Education Catering  provide our meals. Their website is:

Dinner money should be paid online using Arbor, please speak to the office if you need to register on the system. Please make sure there is sufficient money on your child's Arbor account to pay for their meal. No meals may be paid for in arrears.

What happens if my child forgets their lunch money?

If a child comes to school without lunch or money we will loan them the correct amount for one day’s meal. We expect this money to be refunded to the school the following day.

Can my child bring packed lunches to school?

Yes. Children bringing packed meals to school must leave their lunch box in the trolley or basket provided in their classroom. No food is allowed in cloakrooms. Lunch boxes should be taken home at the end of each day and drinks bottles disposed of or taken home.

My child always gets hungry mid-morning, can they bring a snack into school?

We try to discourage children from eating between meals in the hope that they will eat all their lunch. If your child must have a midday snack they should bring fruit, no wrapped food or crisps please. Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. Drinking water is available in school. If your child brings a named, plastic bottle to school they may refill it at any time.

Is there any food the children aren't allowed to bring into school?

As this is a Healthy School we do not allow children to eat sweets in school at any time.

Please do not bring in nuts of any kind into school.  We have several children in school who have a severe allergy to them.



Medical & Health

Please remember to inform the school of anything that may affect your child, whether it is for medical reasons or because of family circumstances.

What will happen if my child has an accident at School or is unwell?

If your child has a serious accident, you will be notified as soon as possible. If you are not available, we will act as if your child were our own and inform you when we can. If a child becomes unwell during the school day, we inform parents and ask for the child to be taken home, since our facilities for coping with a sick child are very limited. No child will be permitted to leave school during school hours unless collected by a parent or carer. When collecting a child, parents are asked to report to the school office, and sign the pupil out.

Do you have a school nurse?

A programme of visits from the school nurse is arranged during a child’s primary school years and you will be invited to meet the school nurse during some of her visits.

What happens if my child needs prescribed medicine during the school day?

In the case of a child needing medication prescribed by a doctor during the school day, parents are asked to complete a consent form available from the office, and to give the medicine to the office at the beginning of morning school. Staff cannot take responsibility for any other medication other than that prescribed by a doctor. Any other medication should not be brought in to school.

How can I help this process run smoothly?

We need an emergency telephone number for all children in school. If your contact number changes at any time, please remember to inform the admin. office so that our records can be altered. Children get very distressed if they are unwell and we cannot contact you. If your child is going to be absent from school at any time, please telephone the school on the first day of absence after 08.30 hrs.



Lost Property

What happens if my child loses something at school?

We do all we can to recover items that go missing. We try to impress upon children a healthy respect for their own property and that of other people. If your child has lost something, please inform his or her class teacher as soon as possible. Older pupils take on the responsibility of managing the lost property.

What can I do to help stop my children losing things while at school?

It always helps if everything your child brings into school is clearly marked, particularly clothing, footwear, watches, keys and pens. We would also advise children not to bring in possessions, which can easily be broken or sadly missed if lost. The school cannot accept responsibility for any items left unattended on school property. Money should not be brought to school unless it is for a specific purpose and then it should remain in the safe keeping of the class teacher.



Dropping off & Collecting Children

The parents of Foundation Stage children are always welcome in school, especially at the beginning or at the end of each day. Small children need the security of a parent or guardian to guide them through the first few minutes of school, removing coats and hanging up bags etc.

What time can I drop my child off in the morning at Fairfields Primary School?

Children are not supervised on the playground before 08.40 hrs Please do not leave your child unsupervised on the playground in the morning. Children in Foundation Stage, Years 1 and 2 are collected from the designated area in the playground at 8:40am.  Children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 are collected from the designated area in the playground at 8:45am.  

What should I do if my child is late?

Children who arrive at school after their designated time must wait with their parent in the playground until 9am.  A member of staff will come out with the signing in book and will take the children to class.  Parents are not able to drop their child into the office unless there are exceptional circumstances.  

What happens at the end of the school day?

At the end of the day, pupils need to be reminded of all the things to be taken home, especially packed lunch boxes. All children should be collected from the playground. Class teachers take the pupils into the playground to meet parents.

3.10pm FS, Years 1 and 2 - from drop off points.

3.15pm Years 3,4,5 and 6from drop off points.

Under normal circumstances, all pupils should be collected by 15.25 hrs. There will be no supervision on the playground after 15.30 hrs.

What if something comes up and I can't be at the school for 15.25 hrs?

If you are delayed for any reason please contact the school as soon as possible.If you are not able to collect your child by 15.25 hrs, they will be waiting for you in the admin. office.

What if I want to collect my child during the school day?

Parents wishing to collect their children between 08.40 hrs - 15.15 hrs must report to the school office. Children must be signed out before leaving the premises.




Will my child get homework?

Yes, all our in all year groups get homework dependent on their ability. Children learn most effectively by being actively involved, both at school and at home, in doing interesting things. We encourage parents to talk to the children about what they are doing at school and to take them to places of interest to extend their knowledge and understanding. Homework is set on a regular basis to all children. The quantity and frequency of the tasks set varies throughout the school. Children in Year 6 are expected to undertake enough homework to prepare them for homework commitments at secondary school.



Helping In School

Can I help out at school?

Parents and grandparents are always welcome to help in school whether on a regular basis or as a one-off activity. Teachers will frequently ask for specific support to help with a special activity or outing. Parents are welcome to work alongside their own child but will also be asked to assist other children. Some parents prefer to work in a class that does not contain their own child, in the library or preparing resources. All help is gratefully received, however, we are now required to ask that you undergo a CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) check first. Please ask at the school office for the relevant forms.



Absence from School

How do I report an Absence?

If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason at any time, please telephone the school on the first day of absence after 08.30 hrs, or email

If you are taking your child out of school during term time, a holiday form must be completed. These are available from the admin office. You are encouraged not to take your child out of school in term time as breaks in their education may not be recovered later.