Special Education Needs at Fairfields

Fairfields Primary School is a mainstream school in the heart of Basingstoke.  Currently 18.27% of our school have special educational needs or disability (SEND) Pupils with SEND, share with all pupils, entitlement to the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which embraces the National Curriculum. This entitlement is an integral part of the school’s equal opportunities policy. All children should be given access to educational experiences of the highest quality and have the opportunity to develop into confident and independent learners. The achievements of children who have SEND are celebrated equally with those who find success easier to attain. We aim to ensure that children with SEND are perceived positively by all members of the school community, and that SEND and inclusive provision are positively valued and accessed by all staff. At Fairfields Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of every child including those with SEND. 


SEND team:

Inclusion Manager: Miss Leah Moore

SEND admin assistant: Mrs Louise Rham

Pastoral Support Assistant: Mrs Louise Gallagher 


Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have learning difficulties that call for special provision to be made. All children may have a special need at some time in their lives.


Children have a learning difficulty if:

·        they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

·        they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities that are provided for other children of the same age

·        Their needs meet the criteria set out by the LEA in their various publications.


SEND Statutory Information

Click here to see our SEND offer for pupils.

We work closley with Hampshire County Council to provide access for pupils SEND.  Please click here to view our school policy for SEND.

Interventions at Fairfields

Children at Fairfields have access to a wide range of interventions, the list below highlights some of our key interventions used.

Doodle spell

Read, Write, inc phonics

Read, Write, inc spellings

Precision teaching

Language link

ELSA (will be in place from September 25)


Doodle spell

Time to talk / Socially speaking

SEND parental advice

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) offer information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people.  Support is given by providing timely confidential, impartial information, advice and support through our online resources, at events and workshops, via our helpline service and through individual casework.

Website: Hampshire SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs Support

Email: info@hampshiresendiass.co.uk

Telephone: 0808 164 5504


Special Education Needs at Fairfields

Fairfields Primary School is a mainstream school in the heart of Basingstoke.  Currently 18.27% of our school have special educational needs or disability (SEND) Pupils with SEND, share with all pupils, entitlement to the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which embraces the National Curriculum. This entitlement is an integral part of the school’s equal opportunities policy. All children should be given access to educational experiences of the highest quality and have the opportunity to develop into confident and independent learners. The achievements of children who have SEND are celebrated equally with those who find success easier to attain. We aim to ensure that children with SEND are perceived positively by all members of the school community, and that SEND and inclusive provision are positively valued and accessed by all staff. At Fairfields Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of every child including those with SEND. 


SEND team:

Inclusion Manager: Miss Leah Moore

SEND admin assistant: Mrs Louise Rham

Pastoral Support Assistant: Mrs Louise Gallagher 


Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have learning difficulties that call for special provision to be made. All children may have a special need at some time in their lives.


Children have a learning difficulty if:

·        they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

·        they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities that are provided for other children of the same age

·        Their needs meet the criteria set out by the LEA in their various publications.


SEND Statutory Information

Click here to see our SEND offer for pupils.

We work closley with Hampshire County Council to provide access for pupils SEND.  Please click here to view our school policy for SEND.

Interventions at Fairfields

Children at Fairfields have access to a wide range of interventions, the list below highlights some of our key interventions used.

Doodle spell

Read, Write, inc phonics

Read, Write, inc spellings

Precision teaching

Language link

ELSA (will be in place from September 25)


Doodle spell

Time to talk / Socially speaking

SEND parental advice

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) offer information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people.  Support is given by providing timely confidential, impartial information, advice and support through our online resources, at events and workshops, via our helpline service and through individual casework.

Website: Hampshire SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs Support

Email: info@hampshiresendiass.co.uk

Telephone: 0808 164 5504