New parents evening 2024


Foundation Stage


Welcome to Foundation Stage.  Please check here for the latest updates.  We hope that we can have lots of fun learning through play together, throughout the year.  


Class Names 

London Class Teacher - Mr Bambridge

Paris Class Teacher - Mrs Moseley

Year Group LSA's  - Mrs Coolbear, Mrs Elsayed, Miss Bifield


 Our day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3:10pm. 


New Foundation Stage cohort workshops

Click here for the maths workshop PowerPoint


Click here to find out What to expect in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) 


Click here for our termly newsletter

Click here for the Foundation Stage timetable

Click here for our curriculum map 

Autumn 2

What a busy half term it has been!  The children worked really hard to rehearse and perform their nativity.  They enjoyed singing and acting on stage and we were very proud of them all.  

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The children were very excited to wear odd socks on Monday in support of Anti-Bullying Week (see photo).  We talked about what bullying was and to 'Make a Noise About Bullying.'  We also talked about what to do if you feel you are being bullied.  We also made up an anti-bullying rap in class.  

Make a noise and shout it out.

Make a noise; don’t let the bully’s win!

Make a noise and make it stop.

Make a noise and shout it out!

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This half term, the children have been learning all about autumn.  Our focus book was  â€˜Owl Babies’.  They learnt that owls are nocturnal and often build their nests in trees or barns.   The children enjoyed making nests out of sticks, grasses and leaves for the ‘owl babies’ at Forest School.

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The children learnt about Remembrance Day and were very respectful.  They enjoyed making some poppies and other poppy art.  We used these poppies to decorate the Foundation Stage area.

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Autumn 1

This half term, our topics include 'All About Me' and 'Colour.'  We have been creating our own portraits using paint, pencils and a range of material. We used a mirror to look carefully at the colour and shape of our features. Here are some of our portraits. 

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Home Learning Support


Age Related Expectations in Writing

The example of writing below is what we would expect a child who is working at their age level.  Children are able to use their phonics knowledge and Fred Fingers to identify the initial sounds, sound out a 3-letter word and write it independently.  

Spring 1 Term

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Summer 1 Term

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In Foundation Stage, we use pre-cursive writing.  Please start writing every letter from the line, saying 'up', then follow the phrase from Read, Write, inc..  Please see the attached sheet to see all the handwriting phrases.

How Can I Help My Child to Read?

1. Use pure letter sounds, not letter names (Click here to hear the correct pronunciation of pure letter sounds and more information about  phonics)

2. Use Fred Talk to read and spell words 

  • We use Fred Fingers to help children sound out words to spell easily, holding up one finger for each sound/syllable in a word
  • It is a tool so they will be able to spell any word.

3. Listen to your child read their homework storybook every day

4. Read stories to your child every day

5. When the children watch English TV, display the English subtitles so that they can read along.


For more information about how we teach children to read, please see the curriculum page on this website, where you will also find the Read, Write, Inc. presentation from the parents meeting in the autumn term. 

You can find a range of free e-books available to read on any tablet on the Oxford Owl website.  Please click here

Other useful resources to support your child's reading:-
Teach Your Monster to Read
Nessy Reading Strategy videos (search Youtube)
Alphablocks videos (search BBC website or Youtube)
Mr Thorne does Phonics website (Geraldine Giraffe)
Phonics Play (on-line games) (some free printable resources

ICT Games 

BBC Bitesize KS1.


Read Write Inc. (RWI) Phonics resources

To help support your child's phonic learning, please see the daily RWI phonics lessons from, please click here for more information or visit their website.

Timetable of set 1, set 2. and set 3 sounds being taught on YouTube until 31.7.20

Please also click on the links for some useful sound worksheets set 1, set 2 and set 3,  reading checklist and parent FAQs.

Please use your child's latest RWI assessment to see which sound needs to be taught next. Click here or go to the Zoom page of our website for more information on RWI, including support materials like an alphabet sound mat.

More information and helpful resources for Read, Write, Inc. can be found on the Oxford Owl website


Free Read, Write, Inc. eBooks

To support your child's reading development, please visit the Oxford Owl website at where you can create a login and read free ebooks at your child's Read, Write, Inc. level.



Below, please find a number of resources to support your child's maths learning

Online beadstring to support counting

Online number square to support counting

Number line to 20, Number line to 100,  100 Square, Number bonds to 10

Number cards to 20, Number cards to 30

Caterpillar number ordering to 20, helicoptor rescue number ordering to 20

Balloon counting to 20

Number Formation Rhymes

2D Shape NamesProperties of 2D Shapes

3D Shape NamesProperties of 3D Shapes

British Coin Word Mat

Online clock to learn to tell the time

Days of the week

Months of the year

Snakes and ladders game to 100 printable, online snakes and ladders game

Numicon cut outs



Physical Development 

It is really important to help young children to develop their gross and fine motor skills.  This will support them with moving around confidently and holding a pencil to write effectively.  Some activities that you can do with your child are listed below:

  • Threading string onto objects or through holes, e.g. beads, pasta shapes, hole punched card
  • Using tweezers to move objects
  • Using a pencil to make marks,  draw and colour
  • Painting
  • Screwing and unscrewing nuts and bolts
  • Doing up and undoing shirt buttons
  • Using playdough

Scissor Skills

In FS, we have found that many children need extra help with their cutting skills.  Please click here to find a diagram of how to hold scissors correctly and would be grateful if you could help your child to use scissors correctly and safely.  The scissor chant below may help them to remember:

Scissor Chant

Open, shut. Open, shut

That’s the way we cut, cut, cut.

Fingers on the bottom, thumb on top,

Do not let the paper drop.

Open, shut. Open, shut

That’s the way we cut, cut, cut.


What are the characteristics of effective learning?

The characteristics of effective learning play an important part in the Early Years Foundation Stage as they address how the child learns rather then what the child learns. There are three characteristics of effective learning outlined in the non-statutory guidance 'Development Matters'. These are Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically. Each one of these is then divided into three further elements. Each element plays an important role in enabling your child to learn successfully. 

Click here to find out more about the characteristics of effective learning.


What to expect, when?
For guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage, please click here.  This document include how you can support your child's learning at home and has other useful sites to find out more information.


What are the Early Learning Goals?

The aim is for every child to be securely working in the Early Learning Goal (ELG) by the end of the year in each of the seven areas of learning: 

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

 To find out the aspects of each area of learning, click here.

Helping your child at home

Below are some ideas for games and activities to use at home:

  • Playing ‘I spy’ at home, in the garden or when you are out for a walk will help your child hear sounds in words
  • Doing puzzles together, talking about the pictures you create will help improve your child’s vocabulary – checking if you have the correct number of pieces before you start is a good way to practise counting
  • Playing dominoes, snakes and ladders, snap and any pairs games is good for your child’s maths and memory
  • Creating cards, using scissors and glue will help improve your child’s fine motor skills
  • Making up songs and silly rhymes together will help your child to hear alliteration and rhyme
  • Share books together - you can read the words and your child can talk about the pictures and the characters
  • Draw pictures and write about places you have been, things you have seen, people you know etc.
  • Count everyday objects e.g. cars that pass you on the street, how many dogs you see on a walk, children you see in the supermarket. What if two more children came along, how many would there be then?
  • Make games together and play them e.g. your own themed dominoes or snakes and ladders type games
  • Set challenges e.g. by the end of the day can you show me 10 different ways of moving from one side of the garden to the other
  • Have a number/letter/sound hunt – hide letters, digraphs or numbers around the house/garden
  • Get a clipboard and do an audit – estimating and counting e.g. How many lights do you think are in our house? How many are there? (count and check) Can they use a tally to record the number?
  • Write shopping lists/diaries of your day/letters and cards together


To support your child’s growing independence:

  • Please ensure your child brings his/her own belongings into F.S. in the mornings and puts them away themselves
  • Encourage your children to dress, undress and be able to zip/button up their own coats
  • Help your children to use a knife and fork independently at mealtimes
  • Involve your children in household chores, such as, tidying their bedrooms and helping with the washing-up

FS reading list

Free e-books can be found on the Oxford Owl Website 


Free e-books can also be found on the Hampshire Library Website


High Frequency Tricky Words

If your children can confidently read the tricky words on their homework sheets, try learning a few more from the lists below:

100 High Frequency Tricky Words              Download

200 High Frequency Tricky Words              Download