The children learn to add mentally and also how to produce written methods for more complex calculations. Please look on this page for your child's year group to see the methods they will use during the year.
Year 1
Mental addition using place value
Year 2
Addition with partitioning
Year 3
Mental addition using partitioning
Year 4
Adding near multiples of 100
Counting on
Place value
Addition using number facts.
Year 5
Counting on
Although these videos show written recording, the intention is that children will gain enough confidence to follow the process in their heads.
Adding near multiples of 1
Year 6
Adding near multiples of 1 by counting on
Adding using number facts
The children learn to add mentally and also how to produce written methods for more complex calculations. Please look on this page for your child's year group to see the methods they will use during the year.
Year 1
Mental addition using place value
Year 2
Addition with partitioning
Year 3
Mental addition using partitioning
Year 4
Adding near multiples of 100
Counting on
Place value
Addition using number facts.
Year 5
Counting on
Although these videos show written recording, the intention is that children will gain enough confidence to follow the process in their heads.
Adding near multiples of 1
Year 6
Adding near multiples of 1 by counting on
Adding using number facts
The children learn to add mentally and also how to produce written methods for more complex calculations. Please look on this page for your child's year group to see the methods they will use during the year.
Year 1
Mental addition using place value
Year 2
Addition with partitioning
Year 3
Mental addition using partitioning
Year 4
Adding near multiples of 100
Counting on
Place value
Addition using number facts.
Year 5
Counting on
Although these videos show written recording, the intention is that children will gain enough confidence to follow the process in their heads.
Adding near multiples of 1
Year 6
Adding near multiples of 1 by counting on
Adding using number facts