We use “Read, Write, Inc.” to teach phonics throughout Key Stage 1 and children are grouped within year groups according to the phase that they are working on within the scheme.
For more information on Read, Write, Inc. please watch the video below or visit:
The Parent Workshop was held on Friday 23rd November. Click here to view the slides from the workshops.
Please also see the following links to help support your child at home with pronouncing the sounds and then blending them.
Phonics Learning at Home due to School Closure
To help support your child's phonic learning at home, please see the daily RWI phonics lessons from www.ruthmiskin.com, please click here for more information or visit their website.
Please also click on the links for some useful sound worksheets set 1, set 2 and set 3, reading checklist and parent FAQs.
Please use your child's latest RWI assessment to see which sound needs to be taught next and click here for information on RWI.
At Fairfields, we teach Guided Reading from Year 1 - Year 6. Each lesson is 20-30 minutes and the children are given five tasks per week. Our lessons are delivered in a carousel style so that each teacher can hear every child read. The five activities follow the same format throughout the school and consist of:
1. Reading with Class Teacher
Once a week, the children will read with the class teacher. This is done in small groups to make sure that everyone gets heard and to help pull out and explain vocabulary in the text that the children may find more difficult. After all of the children have read, the teacher will ask them some questions based on the reading skill that they are working on that week.
2. Follow Up Task
After the children have read with the teacher, they will be given an activity that will link to the questions they were asked. For example, if the children were looking at predictions, their follow up task may be predicting what they think might happen in the next chapter of the book.
3. Vocabulary
Each week the children are given a word to find the meaning of. These words will link to their text and topics. They are words that can be applied to their writing during their Literacy lessons.
4. Reading for Pleasure
Children will be able to select a book from the reading corner and spend 20 minutes reading. The children will be reading their Accelerated Reader books or Read Write Inc level books to ensure that they are able to decode the text independently and access what they are reading.
5. Pre-read Task
Before the children read with the teacher, they will be set a task to introduce them to the text and prepare them for the session with the teacher.
What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
AR is a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice. Your child picks a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, your child takes a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they understood.
What is a Star Reading test?
Star Reading is an online test used to measure your child’s reading level. The test uses multiple-choice questions and takes around 20 minutes. Star reading tests will be completed at regular intervals throughout the year in order to allow your child to progress through the reading levels.
How do students select books?
Each AR book is assigned a book level (ZPD) and these correspond to a colour shelf in the school library. Your child’s teacher will recommend a colour based on their ZPD score and they may choose any book from that coloured shelf.
How can I help my child become a better reader?
Make time for them to read at home. Children need to read for at least 20 minutes every day to improve their reading ability.
Encourage your child to read; discuss books, asking questions about what they have read; and visit your local library.
Encourage your child to experiment with different types of books and authors.
Encourage your child to take the online quiz about a book they have just read.
We use “Read, Write, Inc.” to teach phonics throughout Key Stage 1 and children are grouped within year groups according to the phase that they are working on within the scheme.
For more information on Read, Write, Inc. please watch the video below or visit:
The Parent Workshop was held on Friday 23rd November. Click here to view the slides from the workshops.
Please also see the following links to help support your child at home with pronouncing the sounds and then blending them.
Phonics Learning at Home due to School Closure
To help support your child's phonic learning at home, please see the daily RWI phonics lessons from www.ruthmiskin.com, please click here for more information or visit their website.
Please also click on the links for some useful sound worksheets set 1, set 2 and set 3, reading checklist and parent FAQs.
Please use your child's latest RWI assessment to see which sound needs to be taught next and click here for information on RWI.
At Fairfields, we teach Guided Reading from Year 1 - Year 6. Each lesson is 20-30 minutes and the children are given five tasks per week. Our lessons are delivered in a carousel style so that each teacher can hear every child read. The five activities follow the same format throughout the school and consist of:
1. Reading with Class Teacher
Once a week, the children will read with the class teacher. This is done in small groups to make sure that everyone gets heard and to help pull out and explain vocabulary in the text that the children may find more difficult. After all of the children have read, the teacher will ask them some questions based on the reading skill that they are working on that week.
2. Follow Up Task
After the children have read with the teacher, they will be given an activity that will link to the questions they were asked. For example, if the children were looking at predictions, their follow up task may be predicting what they think might happen in the next chapter of the book.
3. Vocabulary
Each week the children are given a word to find the meaning of. These words will link to their text and topics. They are words that can be applied to their writing during their Literacy lessons.
4. Reading for Pleasure
Children will be able to select a book from the reading corner and spend 20 minutes reading. The children will be reading their Accelerated Reader books or Read Write Inc level books to ensure that they are able to decode the text independently and access what they are reading.
5. Pre-read Task
Before the children read with the teacher, they will be set a task to introduce them to the text and prepare them for the session with the teacher.
What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
AR is a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice. Your child picks a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, your child takes a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they understood.
What is a Star Reading test?
Star Reading is an online test used to measure your child’s reading level. The test uses multiple-choice questions and takes around 20 minutes. Star reading tests will be completed at regular intervals throughout the year in order to allow your child to progress through the reading levels.
How do students select books?
Each AR book is assigned a book level (ZPD) and these correspond to a colour shelf in the school library. Your child’s teacher will recommend a colour based on their ZPD score and they may choose any book from that coloured shelf.
How can I help my child become a better reader?
Make time for them to read at home. Children need to read for at least 20 minutes every day to improve their reading ability.
Encourage your child to read; discuss books, asking questions about what they have read; and visit your local library.
Encourage your child to experiment with different types of books and authors.
Encourage your child to take the online quiz about a book they have just read.